Now building and maintaining SCCA Formula Mazda race platforms
Check out new additions -
Vintage Mazda Restored Parts: VMRP - Distributors; Air Control Valves; AntiAfterburn valves;
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Spinning rotors |
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Rotary Response and Racing
Continuing to find ways to maximize performance and
efficiency, while maintaining long term reliability and emissions
FORMULA MAZDA preparation and support - complete training and competion setups - SCCA legal or outlaw versions - driver training available -
Air flow test results for FD3S
for high temperature application
Open Road Racing - Team Invaders
If you own an RX7 or any Mazda and you want to run your car at high speed without scratching the body
You owe it to yourself to check out Open Road Racing - The FD3S is made for it
Factory trained rotary specialist since
1972 - Brief Bio
At this time Rx for your 7 will not be taking in any new clients for regular service or maintenance.
Rotary Response & Racing LLC's mission will be special projects, research with rotary applications and alternate energy sources. Operations will include restorations and racing applications.
-- Thank You very much to all those that have been loyal clients for many years. I have been privileged to be able to help many enjoy their rotary engine Mazda for so many years --
Electronic Mail:
Rotary Response & Racing LLC
3384 North Winstel Blvd.
Tucson, Arizona 85716
01 520 327 6404
by appointment only
0830 to 1700 AZT * Tuesday thru Friday
Current time in Tucson Arizona -